Texas Angels of Adoptions

Nominate Your

Angel of Adoption

Please join me in celebrating the positive impact an ‘Angel’ has made in the life of a child who has been adopted.

Mission Statement

To recognize and celebrate persons contributing to the successful adoption of children in the State of Texas; in order to inspire a home for every child in need.  We strongly believe every child deserves to know they are wanted, they are loved, they have value, and they have a purpose.


Adoptee & Mother

Kristin Marie Welch- Scheurer

Mental Health Advocate and an example of a life positively impacted by Adoption

I was adopted by an incredibly loving family, with another adopted brother. I was always told I was adopted. It was always celebrated, and I always told my story as:  ‘My biological mother was young and I had one older, very close-in-age sister, and my bio mom couldn’t afford to keep both of us.’

Years went by, I graduated from High School with Honors, obtained two business degrees from University of North Florida got married, started my career, had 2 daughters, got divorced, traveled often … I was living a pretty typical life.

Read more about my adoption story


Vision Statement

In our vision for the future, we strive to drastically reduce the number of children in Texas awaiting adoption by fostering a community where every child finds a loving, permanent home.

Children In Need
Homes Now
0 K
Teens in Foster Care are 5X's Less Likely to Get Adopted
0 X
Children in Foster Care
in the US
0 K
Children Age Out of Foster Care Every Year
0 K

Strategic Objectives



Identify and recognize professionals dedicated to creating positive adoption experiences


Identify and recognize families that exemplify positive adoption experiences 


Inspire more families to adopt children in the State of Florida.

Frequent questions

  • Anyone who has positively impacted the life and adoption story of a child who has been adopted.
  • Once identified the Texas Angels of Adoption team will work to draft a press release sharing the blessings the Angel has made in the life of an adoptee and we will present in person (or via mail) a small plaque and token of appreciation acknowledging their impact.
  • Never. The Angels of Adoption team will cover all expenses incurred to honor and celebrate all Angels of Adoption awardees.
  • There is no maximum amount of times a person can be nominated or acknowledged.  We want to encourage and promote Angel-like behaviors for all adoption stories.
  • Absolutely! We encourage all Angels of Adoption and their families to join us in highlighting the positive impact their efforts have on the lives of children who are adopted. Feel free to tag our page and use hashtag #TexasAngelsofAdoption or @texasangels as well.

Kristin is available to discuss any Angel of Adoption projects via email at: info@texasangelsofadoption.org

Questions? We are here to help!

(904) 860-2195
Texas Angels of Adoption