Texas Angels of Adoptions
Nominate Your
Angel of Adoption
Please join me in celebrating the positive impact an ‘Angel’ has made in the life of a child who has been adopted.
Please join me in celebrating the positive impact an ‘Angel’ has made in the life of a child who has been adopted.
To recognize and celebrate persons contributing to the successful adoption of children in the State of Texas; in order to inspire a home for every child in need. We strongly believe every child deserves to know they are wanted, they are loved, they have value, and they have a purpose.
I was adopted by an incredibly loving family, with another adopted brother. I was always told I was adopted. It was always celebrated, and I always told my story as: ‘My biological mother was young and I had one older, very close-in-age sister, and my bio mom couldn’t afford to keep both of us.’
Years went by, I graduated from High School with Honors, obtained two business degrees from University of North Florida got married, started my career, had 2 daughters, got divorced, traveled often … I was living a pretty typical life.
In our vision for the future, we strive to drastically reduce the number of children in Texas awaiting adoption by fostering a community where every child finds a loving, permanent home.
Kristin is available to discuss any Angel of Adoption projects via email at: info@texasangelsofadoption.org